
An intensive is a powerful approach to the restoration of distressed marriages.   The comprehensive, concentrated focus allows for issues to be identified and resolved.  This is done in a compact time period for the greatest impact.  Traditional counseling has been the standard for decades.  Although some people have found progress with this model, countless others have found it frustrating and unsatisfying.   A marriage intensive is an opportunity to affect deep and lasting change in your relationship with results that are lasting.

A marriage intensive runs for multiple days (usually 3-5 depending on the needs and organization offering it).  This time allows the therapists to build a good connection with both you and your spouse.  It also allows for them to dig deep into the issues causing relational failure.  Each session is unique, so there is not an hourly agenda.  The sessions are designed to meet your specific needs
One benefit of the intensive is the ability for both parties to be genuinely heard and understood by each other and by the therapist.  No other marriage intervention can provide this like an intensive. Spending days, rather than carefully watched minutes, is how deep issues are identified and resolved.  Another powerful benefit is the results. The concentrated focus allows for quicker resolution and transformation.


"What about the kids?” or “I just can’t take off work for that long".   We understand the daily commitments and responsibilities you have.  But if you are serious about trying to make this marriage work, there are ways you can make this happen!  Your marriage affects every responsibility in your life.  Your work, your kids and your commitments outside the home can all be affected.  We have found that most employers and family members are very understanding in allowing you to get the help you need.
Of course, we also realize many couples are ashamed to speak with their employer or family members about the problems in their marriage.  It happens quite often, you are not alone.  Some couples have called the intensive experience a ‘retreat’ with their spouse.  However you approach it, if you are committed to saving your marriage, their are reliable organizations to assist with your needs.


What are the statistics for people participating in a marriage intensive? The National Institute of Marriage has found a 99% satisfaction ratio of couples feeling their needs were heard and addressed.  Caring for the Heart-Restoration, another facilitator of intensives, has found positive turn around to be much higher than the traditional approach. We can’t guarantee success, that depends largely on the couple seeking help and their willingness to face tough issues and be receptive.  But experience in intensives, across the board, has been significantly higher than any other form of marriage intervention.

How do we get the help we need?

You can shop and compare with the following trustworthy organizations.  Choose an intensive therapist organization and start the communication on their site.  Or, if you prefer, fill out the form right here and we will match you up with a therapist close to you.  It’s your choice.  Either way, get intensive on building the marriage of your dreams!